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Discover the potential of our in-demand services

Consult us today to learn more about what we can do for you.

  • Corporate Design

  • Web Design

  • Videos

  • Graphics

    Our expert team specializes in creating unique, modern designs—from images to corporate branding and videos. We prioritize aesthetics, recognizing that 80% of our perception comes from visual input.

Graphic Design
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Tailored Influencer Strategy

  • Targeted Influencer Match - Making

  • Influencer Partnerships

  • Crypto Influencer Marketing

  • Regions: Europe, US, Asia, LATAM

Enhances your Web3 marketing campaign by identifying and selecting optimal Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) or influencers from our extensive network, ensuring maximum ROI for your project.

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Cyber Security
  • Vulnerability Management

  • Vulnarabilty Assesments

  • Penetration Tests

  • Code Audit

Prioritize security with our help. Safeguard digital assets through regular, cost-efficient cybersecurity risk assessments.

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  • Business Consulting

  • Gamefi Consulting

  • Market Analysis

  • Target Customer Analysis

  • Sales Funnel Analysis

  • Customer journey analysis

​Our team of experts can help you achieve goals and find solutions with their experience and expertise.

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  • Consultancy

  • Strategy

  • Inbound Marketing

  • Region-based

  • Branding/USP

  • Events/Campaigns

"Know your customer," as Sam Waltron said. From America to Zambia, we analyze market trends to build your business and enhance brand awareness.

  • Consultancy

  • News Articles (Media Coverage)

  • Press Release

  • Interviews(Voice/Videos)

  • Crisis PR

  • Communication Strategy

    Let's spread the word! With a worldwide network of more than 120 million regular readers, we can sharpen and safeguard your public image. And establish an international media presence.

Public Relations
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​Data Analytics


  • SEM (SEO, SEA)

  • Data Analytics

  • Sentiment Analysis

  • A/B Analysis

  • Eye Tracking


  • Database

By applying a data-driven Web3 approach, we achieve the best results. Numbers never lie.


​Social Media 

  • Professional Set Up

  • Moderation

  • Content Marketing

  • AMAs

  • Guerilla Marketing (Shilling)

We enhance audience connection through daily trendy content, creating a positive brand image and increasing interaction.

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  • ​Contacting

  • Network

  • Negoations

  • Whitepaper/ Pitchdeck Service

Secured funding is the foundation of any business model. We connect you with our investor network to obtain possible financing.

Venture Capital

Bei BerlinDAO verfolgen wir einen ganzheitlichen 360°-Ansatz, um Ihr Marketing zu stärken. Wir helfen Ihnen sicherzustellen, dass alle Aspekte Ihrer Online-Präsenz – von Ihrer Website bis zu Ihren Social-Media-Konten – perfekt zusammenarbeiten, um ein zusammenhängendes und effektives Image Ihrer Marke zu schaffen. Deshalb bieten wir eine breite Palette von Dienstleistungen an, von Webdesign und -entwicklung bis hin zu SEO und Content-Marketing. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen erstellen wir einen individuellen Marketingplan entsprechend Ihrer Linie. Anch dem Launch optimieren wir kontinuierlich Ihre Kampagne, um Ihr Geschäft bestmöglich wachsen zu lassen. Egal, ob Sie gerade erst mit Online-Marketing beginnen oder Ihre Marke auf die nächste Stufe heben möchten, wir können Ihnen helfen, Ihre Ziele zu erreichen!

That's why we offer a range of services, from web design and development to SEO and content marketing. We'll work with you to create a custom marketing plan that meets your specific needs, and we'll continue to adjust and optimize your campaigns as your business grows. Whether you'rejust getting started online or you're looking to take your brand to the next level, we can help.

PR Package

Scope of work: includes writing and also guaranteed placement


Note: Different media are available and can be targeted depending on client requirements, subject to case-by-case decision, we have access several media outlets with altogether around 130 Mio. reach, rates may vary due to market conditions, availability and purchased packages.


Preparation time: 2 weeks​

Enhance your brand with Berlin DAO's expert public relations, shaping narratives and boosting perception through extensive media networks.



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KOLs / Influencers

KOLs / Influencers:

  • Tailored Influencer Strategy

  • Targeted Influencer Match

  • Making Influencer Partnerships

  • Crypto Influencer Marketing

  • Regions: Europe, US, Asia, LATAM

Key Opinion Leaders (KOL) or influencers are a key element of every successful Web3 marketing campaign. BerlinDAO helps you to select the most suitable influencers from our vast network, ensuring the highest possible ROI for your project.


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Wenden Sie sich noch heute an uns, um mehr darüber zu erfahren.


"BerlinDAO hat uns bei der Analyse des europäischen und insbesondere des deutschen Marktes optimal unterstützt. Auch bei der Kontaktaufnahme zu lokalen Influencern und KOLs haben sie uns sehr geholfen. Sie arbeiten absolut professionell und mit einem hervorragenden Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis."



MEXC: Una, DACH-Betriebsleiterin


Das sagt unser Kunde!

Berlin DAO, Deutschlands führende Web3 Marketing & Consulting Agentur

Registered in Sichuan Lianming Technology Co., Ltd. Unit 2, Building 7, No. 399 West Section of Fucheng Avenue, Chengdu High-tech Zone, China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Disclaimer: Our beautiful home and the stars belong to the universe, the video courtesy of the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space Center

Haftungsausschluss: Unser schönes Zuhause und die Sterne gehören dem Universum, das Video mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, NASA Johnson Space

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